Yo: sketch videos

Give it a shot. Tag me if you post on instagram or anything so I can check it out!

Trying out a new series called Tutorial Tuesday. Have a sketch you want me to overlay? Post it below.

an old one I forgot to publish :slight_smile: … sometimes I make several of these and hang onto them for core77’s front page.

Indicating chrome: Rendering chrome in a sketch can be intimidating. In this video I’ll show you a quick and easy technique to indicate chrome effectively in your design sketches using Prismacolor Markers and a Sharpie… drawing a chrome Sharpie with a Sharpie is pretty meta.

Usually I take a sketch or design that a viewer submits, or ask one of you in the forums, and do an overlay or two for my Tutorial Tuesday series. Today I decided to do something a little different. I recently saw that the US Postal Services asked a few American companies to submit prototypes for a new mail truck. It reminded me of a very similar project the UK did which had very different results. The UK proposal was quite stunning from a design perspective. I wanted to see if I could take the same hard points and package from one of the US proposals and make some design improvements that would make it feel friendly and a part of the 21st century. The US postal service tends to use a model for a decade or more, so lets develop a design that has some aesthetic longevity and would be visually pleasant driving around every neighborhood in the US… my apologies to the original designers, I’m sure there were many design constraints and parameters that led to the current prototype.

It has been a long time since I’ve posted a video with a voice over. I was going through some old files and I found this time lapse from 2017 that I never got around to editing:

Wow awesome sketch! Love the dynamic perspective. It’s great to see a video about using a reference underlay. I use photo underlays occasionally and I do always feel a bit guilty about it!

Thanks for checking it out Andy. As a commenter of Facebook said “If you don’t use the tools, someone else will and they’ll execute quicker, better, and more ideas”