Deleted my post?

Hi - I just want to clarify a few things here. Shaggy stated:

Currently if a comment gets 3 downvotes it gets removed

This is not accurate. If a comment receives multiple downvotes it is “flagged for moderation”. When this happens the comment is removed from the stream, and is put into the moderation queue for review. Same thing happens if you click “report as spam”.

We then review the flagged comments on a somewhat regular basis, and either approve or deny them. The truth is that this task has not been clearly assigned to anyone specifically, so has been getting done by multiple people without a clearly written guideline as to what is acceptable and what is not. It seems that the original comment in question probably should have been approved, but instead was denied for no clear reason. My apologies! I’m investigating to see if this can be undone.

So definitely more of a bandwidth issue than a censorship/Stalinist issue. That said, we have been known to be overzealous with removing posts, comments, threads, etc. in the past. We definitely err on the side of Libertians rather than content watchdogs.

Regarding the other comments here, when the new design came on line the presentation of the tiles definitely did not provide enough context for each post, leading to the perception of link bait. We’ve since added a subtitle, the first 50 words of body copy, the publish date and the publishing channel to each tile, along with the title and lead image. We had hoped this was enough information to help you decide whether to click through to the article, but this clearly does not seem to be the case.

We’ve discussed further adjustments to the presentation of the posts on the home page, and there will be ongoing changes over the next several months. People seem to have a hard time following the chronology of posts, so that is one thing we’ll work on.

Finally, specific editorial suggestions are always welcome. It is hard to work with requests for ‘real’ or ‘deep and meaningful’ content without knowing what is meant by those labels.

I’d just like to make quick retraction in light of my previous post coming after perhaps too many beers :slight_smile:

While I haven’t visited the core main page too often recently I do see the quick changed being made in the UI and editorial side and certainly after a closer look no longer see the format as click bait as I first thought. I’d like to dig deeper but want to give the core team props on what I can imagine was both a technical and philosophical challenge. I’ll have too see if the content format lined up with my expectations further.

All that being said, up/down voting content may not be the best of form.

Though, all THAT being said, if someone commenting is an ass, or non-constructive, I couldn’t care if they had 109 years experience. Respect is earned, not bought with time.


A while ago I posted on some Article as well and half a day later my comment was gone.
I was simply opposing the idea of the article without being rude or unreasonable. I concluded a butthurt author is deleting stuff that doesn’t match his/her point of view.

I decided to never post something on the core site again. Waste of my time.

I also think the quality of the articles in general could be a lot better. The topics are usually not bad. They sometimes seem a little bit too much like a mashup of theVerge and designboom content with a little too much emphasis on craftsmanship. What I miss is a little more focus on INDUSTRIAL design.
I think the biggest problem with this focus right now is, that it is just not very interesting. Usually it’s a video or some dude making some mad workshops stuff… but there is never really a STATEMENT made. I miss that an author is actually trying to make a point about something. There are whole libraries filled with books on industrial design and design theory. There are conferences where people argue about design, what it can do and what it can’t do. There is a lot to say about design. And all what core77, probably one of the only real sites that are (supposedly) focused on industrial design, usually does is something like: “Check out this sick video”

And THIS in combination with the crippled, totalitarian comment system is, in my opinion, breaking core77’s mainpage’s neck.

A lot of famous, successful sites like are interesting because of the comments. They upload an opinion piece and people start to discuss it. Sometimes I don’t even read the article, I skim it and jump to the comment section. Cause the article is only one guy’s opinion. What I am interested in are the opinions of a lot of people and their INTERACTION and DISCUSSIONS with each other. That’s what people come back for.
On a good day an article on core maybe gets two comments?.. usually void of anything meaningful (maybe all the others got deleted? :wink: )
The boards prove that it doesn’t have to be like that… quality and quantity-wise

^ good point about comments often being more interesting than the article. I’m the same way with many site I follow-reading comments more than source. A good example is boingboing where an average article gets 80 comments (though they switched the commentung thete to a separate site and it kind of killed it).

I’d love more ID focused articles with the range and depth of comments we have here on the forums.

Buried and easy to miss.

But accepted.

Being a designer boils down to generating ideas and having those ideas evaluated by others. Deleting ideas is a complete affront to design. There can never be evaluation in a meaningful way. I can’t imagine why any design site would so easily go against the core values of the profession.

I might add,which was my point in my deleted comment, design is not the sole arbiter of generating ideas. While the author may feel the same way, I will never know because of your “policy”.

The same goes for passive/aggressive comments.

Useless dreck.

c’mon now iab. I didn’t read R’s comment as directed to you, just a truthful statement.

I read R’s comment as a direct attack on my character and Sir, we shall meet on the field of honor.


Could be.

On the other hand, with historical conversations as an indicator, it might not be.

My apologies for the former. My pleasure for the latter.

So have the powers that be done anything?

I say one downvote gets a removal. There is no room for negativity on the internetz. :unamused:

I haven’t gotten any further update. Sounds (and looks) like they are doing a lot of frequent tweaks though.