How cool is that?

well i don’t have a definitive solution but this is a start that could be worked on.

it sure wont be easy to implement but at least sound better than what we have today.
others talk about going back to governmental issued interest free money, a money system in which people would pay a small fee if they kept money out of circulation, local green economies, slow money, transition towns, communism :laughing: … the list goes on
the problem with those is that they don’t address the root causes of the problems we see today, they are just patchworks to keep people from abusing the flaws in the system for personal gain.

I’m not totally against capitalism, if that’s what you think, it had it’s role but today it’s only stifling humanity the way I see it.
I’m just pointing out to people the reasons why the world has it’s flaws and the reason why unsustainable practices are rewarded.

I’m not trying to tell people to stop consuming or producing, just to stop what is unnecessary.