People, this isn't a text message. RANT #$^%*

I’ve been seeing a growing trend of people posting in text message types of formats. This isn’t a text message people. This is a discussion forum where professionals and students get to discuss what is important in our everyday lives. If you want an intelligent answer to your post, take the time craft an intelligent question.

Over the past several years, I’ve been getting an increasing amount of emails in this casual manner… along the lines of “Yo, luv 4 u to check out my folio, link attached, got any internships?” Your link was not clicked, and your email was deleted.

I’m not saying we have to revert back to complete formality, and I don’t have the best grammar or spelling around here, but some semblance of sentence structure, addressing each other with respect, and taking the time to type full words would be great.

To be treated as a professional, you must act like one. Start with your communications please.


Of all people, designers should know that style counts.

As for this trend, I’ve noticed it more from those speaking English as a second language. My theory is that it’s an exposure issue (ie. using English mostly online with friends.) My other theory is that it’s another quirk of the Millennials.

omg, u r so rite!

yo, ftw!


Amen Brother

I really don’t get your point. I speak english as a second language and apply myself just as much as in french, maybe even more to make sure I don’t make too many mistakes, when I want to adress myself in a proper manner to someone…

Cheers to you GHarvey. I agree this text message business is out of control. I always make a point to text with punctuation and proper grammar, even though I’m still in my 20s.

I agree. I started getting annoyed with the short-text stuff a few years ago while chatting on IM. Its just so much easier to read a regular sentence.

some grammar tips, common mistakes I see on the boards. :slight_smile:

Their: Used when talking about someone’s possession. “It’s their job.” “The project is theirs.”

There: Location. The book is over there.

They’re: They + are. “They’re really good writers.” = “They are really good writers.”

There were a few more common ones that I’m forgetting right now…

Dear Mr. DiTullo

…just kidding.

I totally agree. Grammar, punctuation online may not be by the Chicago Standard Journalism Style (I frequently don’t capitalize starts of sentences), but I for sure would expect correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. in any business email, and here in the forums would also appreciate not only better style, but more depth to replies.

The “I like i too” posts really doesn’t add anything. Nobody is taking a vote, it’s a discussion forum, and this type of reply adds zero value.

While my own posts may often be on the long side, it’d be nice to see more in-depth comments here… 4 page essays not required, but a little more than reiterations of previous comments help the dialog move along and make it more interesting and valuable to all.


Dear Sirs,

I couldn’t agree more:

There are already lot’s of online communities
out there, that are no more worth reading. For
example have a look at

How can everyone afford those lease rates, and
so many are not even able to form a meaningful

That question asked there is another one:

If you answer in text mode, do you already think
in that lingo? Or is it reformulated to put it down?

I never use texts in my daily life. Either I call, or
I write an email.

Does it make sense to rewrite “rulez !” into “ftw” ???

All the best

Yours mo-i

Now, is “Yo” being used as an informal greeting (as I would greet a friend), or because the person doesn’t know your real name?


Honestly, i’m all for shorthand, I for one am glad to see attempts at making languages more efficient. The texting shorthand is the result of a user interface design flaw, text messaging used to rely solely on pressing number keys to cycle through letters, it takes time, people are lazy and want to push as few buttons as possible to communicate simple things. Now with devices like the iPhone, G1, Sidekick, you have text prediction and you actually get the character for the button you’re pushing.

Correspondence formality still has its place, especially in the example that Yo gave. If you email someone, especially someone that you don’t know, chances are you had a full keyboard to do it. If you use textspeak on a full keyboard for your correspondence you are rude, it means you had the time and resources to communicate professionally, but didn’t think the other person was worth the “effort”. I think that in certain scenarios texting shorthand is totally viable, like with acquaintances, family, friends and for simple communication. Short hand text is also great for situations where time is compressed, like in operations, online gaming, and situations where information needs to be conveyed quickly.

In regard to the Gen Y quirk…definitely. They seem to have a perspective of informality because of the mentality that, “Hey, we’re all friends right?”. They seem to have no need for formality up front, it’s a waste of time, they cut to the chase.


To Who It May Concern:

It is no secret that the internet is filled with forums full of discussions that amount to little more than noise. A good counter example is the discussions that happen in the professional groups on linkedin. Maybe this is because of the relative closed nature of that community or the fact that people can’t hide behind anonymous avatars? :wink: I agree that using “shorthand,” e-speak or whatever you’d like to call it has reached a point of saturation in our cultures that I long for the full, juicy words of yesteryear.

We live in an era of eye-roll inducing, not-so-clever cellphone commercials featuring frustrated parents and children speaking in abbreviated text-message style. These are obviously meant to appeal to adults grappling with the ridiculousness of our rapidly evolving language. But like my girl Aaliyah, RIP, said, “age ain’t nothing but a number”.

I know a few adults, professionals and family who email/text in e-speak, because it’s cool? or fast? or they are too lazy? It doesn’t matter to me, as it is simply another extension of their personality, and as long as they are aware of how they are representing themselves, so be it. Text, by it’s nature does not convey tone or personality like a hand written note(lovingly calligraphic, or crazily scrawled in blood). Ones’ choice of words, sentence structures and casualness all add up to convey tone and personality. Students and professionals must be aware of this and use it to their advantage.

I don’t always have the time to write out a multi-paragraph response, though I may wish to. The fast-paced ephemeral nature of online discussion forums are in many ways similar to a discussion at a party. I like the formal/informal dynamic here. It keeps things interesting. There will always be crazies and drunks at a party: roll them into a cab and continue with the conversation.

If I received an email “Hey B, wut up. Me looky 4 joby? Luv ya! XX” I would probably delete it too. :imp: Do not forget that long before teens were feverishly texting “C U @ THE BEACH” Prince created :

Greenman - More efficient language? Have you ever read the book 1984?

Has anyone else noticed on Facebook that a lot of people just don’t use full stops any more? I guess that’s what happens when the most creative writing you do in a day has a 200 character limit.

Shamefully, no. I know that I should, can you elaborate? I think it’s incredibly important to understand formal writing and grammar, but I believe in efficiencies in certain contexts.

S.O.S, a distress code, needed to be communicated quickly because it took a lot longer to broadcast “Save Our Ship” via Moorse Code. Does it take any longer to actually say? It has the same number of syllables.

Your: Possessive. “It’s your idea.”

You’re: You + are “You’re wrong.”

The other common mistake I was thinking of…

I feel that when you are talking or discussing something important and professional it is an absolute “No No”

but among people you know and are comfortable the occasional text message slang is okay… I feel it is only shows up in online written dialect

Oh, and this.