IDSA 2006 - Reactions, comments, rants and raves

As a conference sponsor, I can say that Core77 is happy with our participation in the conference. The Portfolio Review was fun, interactive, and provided a great vehicle for connecting with both sides of our audience (portfolio posters and potential employers). It is a great fit for us, and also helps provide a venue for this type of interaction at the conference. In short, a win-win-win.

That said, this is a rare occurance. Most other sponsors, if they are involved in something this closely aligned with their business, become seen as shills pitching infomercial material. Not interesting, unless you are specifically buying what they’re selling. It will be hard for the IDSA to align the sponsors individually with content that makes a good fit.

I don’t know what the right answer is. But the gallery in its current format needs to be re-thought. I went into the gallery when I needed some quiet time - not exactly the kind of feeling a sponsor would want!

Any ideas out there as to how to improve this situation, for the sponsors, the IDSA and the conference attendees?