Will AI Take our jobs

I am a big fan of Issac Asimov. He has addressed many of these concerns with his I-robot series. I believe AI will be able to create something, just don’t believe it will be really creative. Maybe one day it will be but I just don’t see it. Becuase unlike anything we can build the human brain is organic. There for there are norms with it but that is very different from having a coding language that created you. It creates truly unique thought processes. On top of that, we all have different life experiences. This makes each individual human a completely unique entity. By definition, this process would not be duplicatable so there is no way to create a machine to do it. I believe the combination of your brain at birth and the experiences you have as a person, determine what your creativity will become. If the machine is not ever going to get there I don’t believe it can take a job like ours. But it could assist us. It could be like having a junior designer or intern. You set up a frame work for it to work with in and I think it might excel at that. But I believe true start to finish design for AI is nearly impossible, so I don’t see that happing