How to solve the "last mile" problem in traffic

I’m currently a little outside the burbs, but here are a few reasons why I prefer this to the city where I used to live. I no longer work in the city either, so that makes a difference too.

  1. Not having to waste an extra 3 hours a day in inner-city traffic.
  2. Not having to live in an apartment where I had to listen to hip hop through the walls all weekend because my neighbors were out of town and left the stereo on so the dogs wouldn’t freak out.
  3. Not having to listen to my other neighbor get it on at 3 am.
  4. A private garage where I can set up a small shop.
  5. Lower crime rates
  6. Less frequent drug exposure to my kids.
  7. Smaller class sizes means my kids get more attention from the teachers.
  8. Lower cost of housing, gas, and food.
  9. I can watch the sun rise and set over the horizon instead of behind tall glass buildings.
  10. Freedom from bloated central planning.

It’s interesting too, but my wife taught in public schools in city systems and where we are now, and the rate of kids diagnosed with ADD is about 75% less here than in any of the city schools where she taught. I wonder if there’s a connection.