What happened to Coroflot?

Coroflot is no longer of value to me. I had used it in the past as a channel to get freelance work (as a fulltime freelancer). I have a personal site and as well as a Behance site that I will focus on maintaining.

– is it specifically the latest re-design of the site that has destroyed the value for you?

This hurts small businesses and start-ups looking to dip their toes with an idea before massive investment and not willing to take a gamble with the $199 fee not certain if the talent they are looking for will be there.

I can see the point here - the price tag is really aimed at recruiters who are hiring employees with bigger budgets. We could possibly split off an open search area specifically for freelance - it is something we considered in a member subscription model – $9/mo and you are front and center in a highly active searchable freelance pool.