2020 Intensive programs at intersection of art, tech, design, being human

Hi Core77,

Happy new year!
We’ve just put out or 2020 program catalogue from School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe.
We’ll be running one-, two-, and four-week programs ranging in topics from drones, transmedia storytelling,
nature, generative art, and machine learning, and a two-week program in China on speculative design, fabrication
and future. Early program and scholarship applications open until 26. January, have a look and consider
joining us in 2020! http://bit.ly/2020_Schoolofma

We’ve just put out or 2020 program catalogue from > School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe> .

I hope this is JOKE-SPAM !!!

Why are you crying in your photo?

You haven’t told me, on here or on your website, what I actually get out of your course. Instead of just advertising, what do I get for my time and money? In what way are you qualified or experienced to be teaching about any of the topics listed? Again, because you haven’t told me.

You’ve also said that your priority for this year is ‘The quality of human experience’. Has this not been the priority of humans for thousands of years?