ID Schools In California

Lots of ID people come from very random backgrounds, so don’t fret about that. Where in California do you want to live? It’s a big state with 2 vastly different cultures aka. NorCal v. SoCal. There are some excellent ID schools here – Art Center in Pasadena is fantastic, and the Acad. of Art in SF is good too. If you want a big University Experience, go to SFSU or SJSU, I’m not sure that their reputations are that good, but I know a few graduates of both who seem happy and have jobs in ID at good studios. You’d probably be best to try to get into a master’s program. Half of a BA at a lot of schools is basically the same core curriculum, which I’m sure you’ve done in your history studies eg. Gen Ed Reqs. You should have a portfolio for an MA program though. I’m sure if you write to the schools themselves they can give you a clearer idea of what they’re looking for. Good luck! You can also check IDSA’s website for info on the quality of the schools: