Sketch Time Lapse Videos

Evening doodle from last night

@jamesowendesign and @FoundryCollaborative and I joking about if ellipses would ever make a come back… the thought lead to a doodle…

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Another elliptical theme :slight_smile:

a modular system of 4,8, and 12oz stages so you can make the perfect sized flask for what you need… I have 5 or 6 Hydroflasks of all different sizes. I thought it could be interesting to have a modular system so you could get the size you need to the occasion.

This was sketched up for the weekly Sketchers challenge on FB.

Airship :slight_smile:

evening doodle:

space hotel :white_circle: … the A Loft Branding just made sense :slight_smile:

Honda CRX doodle:

Sunday sketchies:

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Silly Robot doodle :robot:

house doodle:

Somewhat related I took over managing my neighborhood association website and built out a history page needing out on the mid century history:

Sunday night doodle while watching the season finale of Winning Time :rofl:

just doodling about:

Donut & Drip travel set for this week’s sketch wars competition :doughnut::coffee:

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getting to be the sneaker boot time of year!

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…yes, but what do I wear with these?

probably jeans, a t shirt, and a copious amount of fleece :rofl: @FluffyData

… and a Portland Gear hat:

Fastboi Express

Just coming back from a little over a week in Germany… obviously it is not news that Europe has a lot more cool wagons then we usually get in North America, but I had wagons on the brain! :slight_smile:

a bit of a looser one:

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