product design master in ELISAVA... advice and comments pls!

Hi, I will apply to the product design master en ELISAVA, Spain…

I´ve heard some good things about ELISAVA but just from like two teachers… I would like to hear anything you have to say about ELISAVA and this product design master… spanish is not a problem, I´m colombian.

I know someone already wrote a post asking for ELISAVA but just one guy had something to say.

Pleaseeee just say what you know and what you´ve heard and what you think!!

Thanks! :unamused:

hi there, im a mexican dude looking for doing the same master in elisava. for me was very useful being in contact with Agustin Otegui, he just finished a master in the same school, he`s also mexican now living in paris and working for Volvo or peugeot, i dont remember. the case is that this guy is actually really good, he won several contests, and you can look for him in google, just tipe “agustin otegui” he had a nice site. im sure he will help you!!


Thank you for the contact… nice designer!

I´ll try to contact him so he can give me some advice.
