need portfolio feedback

sorry, forgot to give the site

I don’t have a comment for your portfolio, but out of curiosity - do you live in Japan? I’m in Japan now and will probably be english teacher in Ibaraki (the one near Tokyo…not Osaka) for a while. If you do live in Japan, would you be interested in getting in touch? IF so, leave your email address.

Your industrial design work is much stronger than your graphic work. You might want to reconsider showing the graphic stuff. I don’t think its helping you.

Although I find your solutions interesting almost all of your product design projects have to do with containers/storage:
• rumba messenger bag (holds your stuff and your butt from the ground)
• avenue rack (holds up your bike)
• thesis (concept applied to a shopping bag to hold your stuff)
• thesis (holds CDs I think)
• sway (holds umbrellas)
• toy (it looks like a container to me)
• mitsubishi SUV. (Again you are looking at the SUV’s funtion to hold stuff)

You might want to explore some other problems.

Not in love with the bathroom redesign project either. Looks unfinished.

i appreciate your comments and agree with you. i should start a project that is not another containing object. should i remove the entire graphic and web design stuff? i admit i’m not and don’t want to be a graphic designer, coz i didn’t do typography and all those things. i put them up coz i thought while i’m still looking for an id job, if people like my graphic work, i could get some freelance work. but you’re right and i think maybe it should go. thanx again.

i appreciate your comments and agree with you. i should start a project that is not another containing object. should i remove the entire graphic and web design stuff? i admit i’m not and don’t want to be a graphic designer, coz i didn’t do typography and all those things. i put them up coz i thought while i’m still looking for an id job, if people like my graphic work, i could get some freelance work. but you’re right and i think maybe it should go. thanx again.

gosh, i would have loved to meet up with you. i’m in the US now. i wished i had found this forum six months ago. do u have a website?

hey, i read about you in the other discussion. i went to Japan in January coz i thought i’d be there for at least a year with my parents who worked there. i was going to do the exact same thing you’re doing now; trying to network, support myself thru teaching English and hopefully finding design work. but i came back to the US coz my dad’s work moved here. (so i’m kinda lost lol)

i got to know about a lot of foreign designers living in Japan. do you know Klein and Dytham architects? they went there years ago and stayed and are now pretty successful. i think if you have something good in you/your portfolio, it’s not too difficult to get work permit. the only thing is knowing some Japanese…integrate with the culture, make tons of friends and contacts, and just be there for a couple of years, you’ll definitely make it. go to all the design schools there and make friends. there is a dutch design student who came to Japan on a scholarship and ended up designing and selling some cute masks and bags there. very cool.

i wish you luck and have fun with your english students! onegai shimasu!

… i remove the entire graphic and web design stuff? i admit i’m not and don’t want to be a graphic designer, coz i didn’t do typography and all those things. i put them up coz i thought while i’m still looking for an id job, if people like my graphic work, i could get some freelance work. but you’re right and i think maybe it should go. thanx again.

Yes I think you should remove that stuff. When someone is hired to do graphic design work they expect you to have strong type skills. Would you hire a product designer who doesn’t understand form? … its that important. Since you didn’t do they typography you shouldn’t have put it up in the first place without mentioning that.

I also feel it weakens your product work. If you are specifically looking for a product job show just that. Don’t send mixed messages. You can always show your other skills on an interview it the interviewer is actually interested in them. (Or set up a different site/link for this work.)

I am looking for a graphic design job. I don’t show my toy (product) and game (video & board) design work. That’s in a separate portfolio and not available at my website unless you know the link . (I do have some of my video game stuff up on my site but its not linked to any of the pages you see.)

BTW in case you couldn’t figure it out, ‘guest’ who posted on Sat 10-9-04 was me. I don’t sign in all that often anymore.

Shift the layout of your webpage to the left so you dont have to scroll, allign your images and image borders precisely, on projects tell the whole story include research (photo of problem your solving), draw your projects until you have images to use in your portfolio they don’t have to be awesome, laptop chair on first image use auto levels or auto contrast in photoshop, how is the bike rack built? you dont need 2nd image, use perspective on sldwks “easy” model and say what problem it addreses, “Sway” how does it work? get better images, toy select the material and render it in solidworks take a picture of a kid playing in setting toy is used and photoshop it in, what kind of toy is it? Car don’t show interior and function until you have more clear images to use. look on coroflot and find the portfolios that you like most (ones that tell a story), use them to compare yours to, what do they include that yours does not. If you have a friend who was trained in Graphic Design ask for their feedback on your portfolio.