Luxury Product Industry in Asia

After i graduate, i would like to work in the Luxury Products industry and probably more specifically in Asia.

Although the metropolies of luxury are western cities as Paris, Milan, etc. i wonder if european companies have branches in Asian countries specifically in the design or strategic design domain.
Also, are you aware of Asian companies active in this field?

Asians, are quite into conspicuous consumption and for brands such as luxury fashion brands and car companies are very (if not the most) important markets.

Thanks a lot for any input.

the places you want to find yourself in will be tokyo, shanghai and hongkong.

avoid singapore. we’re a bunch of cheapskates.


i have already been to HK and Tokyo and i really can see why they are some of the asian fashion-luxury capitals.
however, i wonder if someone can be employed by relevant to luxury products companies and be located somewhere in Asia…