Internship Salary?

Does internship usually offer a monthly salaries? How about other benefits such as food, accommodation, allowances, etc?

Thanks. :smiley:

Your first goal should be to find the greatest studio on earth and try to get the best out of it.
In Holland the guidelines are 300 euros bruto/180 netto a month (graphic design).


well, i think so too, you should look for a internship where you can learn a lot of thing you couldn`t while you were in University, but I know the salary is important too, even more if you have to move to another city or country for your internship.

In Colombia (south america for those whom dont know) you can make beetwen US$100 to US$300 a month. (if you get more in Colombia, WOW!)

Typically, an internship is unpaid, co-ops get $12-20/hr depending on experience.

An industrial design internship that is not paid means that you are goffer. An internship that you can contribute and learn will pay any where from 10hr to 30hr. HP pays the rate of 50k year for a three month term. I heard nike also has high rates for interns.

which country do you think best offer this kind of stuffs?

juz curious… :smiley:

which country do you think best offer this kind of stuffs?

juz curious… :smiley:

I am referring to us west coast

specifically where? :unamused: