instagram link in your pdf portfolio?

Question to hiring managers here: how do you feel about candidates adding their personal Instagram handle to their portfolio? Especially if that was included in a pdf deck, not necessarily a link on their website. Too personal? Or feels like the right amount of peek into their lifestyle/personality?

Well if the IG account shows me more work, all for it! If it is mostly pictures of your dog and food and selfies… probably pass. :slight_smile:

That’s my take. Others might feel differently.

For a personal page, that is unnecessary (besides, hiring managers will find it if they want to anyway). The only reason hiring managers will usually go there is to spot any red flags. So if you don’t include it, all the less chance to get flagged. But if it shows a special interest, more projects, or general sense of creativity, yes all for it, definitely.

I wouldn’t miss it, if the link wasn’t included. But I’m not on IG so perhaps there’s a bias.
In some regards unless its mostly design related work, its like figure drawing sketches in a portfolio: nice but don’t show me these things.

Thanks all for the prompt reply. Going to leave it out for now, given my Instagram page isn’t all design-related at the moment!