IDEA Awards 2007

IF are really milking it!

In china the “IF” tag might be a kock off (sad but true, a ko product sporting a ko IF tag).

iF have actually made a push to promote themselves in China. The Award is actually a separate one; something like ‘iF China’. It has been very well received as it gives the products a sort of Western credibility, something that can raise the value of a product in China.

Peter Zec started to get the Red Dot Awards into China but found that their award winners were being used as reference for knock-offs (i.e a higher number of plagarism among the Red Dot winners). So he pulled out of China, and he now even blocks access to the EU site from Chinese servers.

China…Taiwan… don’t scare me.

I am half convinced one of my designs is going to be copied as it got lots of interest on chinese blog sites. My GF had her design copied by a chinese student designer - claimed it was coincidence but the concept and many details were identical :imp:

They should, they can make a market dry up and blow away for you higher priced “real” product faster than you can say zippyflounder.

‘Don’t scare me’ meaning I am s**tting myself that some little git in china will take my concept- Thanks alot for your replies on this issue Zippyflounder, much appreciated!!