
i agree with you.
i hope we can use this method to improve our english.and pass cet4! :laughing:

i agree with you.
i hope we can use this method to improve our english.and pass cet4! :laughing:

Cool. Your homework was to come to Core77? Or Just English websites?

yes~ :laughing: :laughing:
teacher just want us communicate with foreigner and in this way to improve our english.
but we just do it like a homework,not for prictice.

sueyi:I SPEAK LITTLE ENGLISH.where there is a will ,there is a way.

i agree with you.
i hope we can use this method to improve our english.and pass cet4! :laughing:

sueyi:I SPEAK LITTLE ENGLISH.where there is a will ,there is a way. :astonished:

so i just want a classmates can talk with us!
i am now at loss.i have no word to say. :smiley:

i think design lights for ceilings and walls ??oh!!sounds wonderful!!!
it must be nice!

so many .thank u~

design lights for ceilings and walls ??oh!!sounds wonderful!!! :laughing: :laughing:
it must be nice!

who are you?why your word just like my friend’s? :astonished: :astonished:

take off every “ZIG”!!!

move “ZIG”!!

how are you gentlemen?

my english is so poor.what do u mean?i can not understand… :frowning: :frowning:
so difficult!

The chinese are now invading our forum spaces as well! great!

sure~this forum is introduced by ma teacher.
so many chinesees are now invading your forum spaces~~ :laughing: