Help with comparisons of RISD, RIT and Cincinnati

As far as internships and Co-ops go. The co-op office at RIT is no help. I don’t care what anyone else says, they’re mostly concerned with engineering and sciences or whatever. I got a internship this summer for ID, but I did a lot of work on my own to get it. It’s not impossible, but it’s hard to do when RIT has such a rigorous schedule as it is.

True. There are far more industry connections to RIT for the engineering disciplines, so that’s the side of the bread that gets buttered. Unfortunately, alumni of (and undergraduates in) the industrial design program don’t have (or don’t try hard enough to wield) much clout with the administration, so problems in the ID program (class sizes too large and crowded; overextended faculty; limited computer facilities) don’t get much attention. The administrator in the design school in which the industrial design program is located is an non-empathetic graphic designer, and the dean is a mathematician. (!)