Designers starting businesses

Whoa, such a good necro thread, I’m so happy this one has been revived by you both!

I’ve been building my footwear brand over the last few years, where 3D printing is allowing me to also manufacture the shoes. (Un)fortunately that also means that I’m doing ‘everything’ (design, website, shopify backend, customer service, production, packaging, shipping, advertising, media generation, finance). It’s been an enormous rollercoaster, and I’ve had to learn LOTS of new skills. And I still feel like I’m barely scratching the surface. Sales are happening, and customers are happy. But mannnn, it is expensive to sell (advertise) products.

I’d love to hear back from @Coffee87 , @Travisimo , @enigma , @bico , @nate_cougill and get an update on their journeys. Maybe even some useful advice too! :slight_smile:

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