Design Specialization

Been pondering getting an MBA or my masters in ID. But with 6 years of experience behind me, I’m starting to debate if I want to go into a managerial direction, or focus on a new-found interest…

Behavior sciences. Yup, I’m not only interested in the marketing and thought behind UI and ID, but I want to know WHY? I have a lot of unfounded beliefs, such as that people are attracted to bright and shiny things because it must trigger something very deep in the cerebelum. I don’t know this for sure, but I want to. And I want to apply it to design. Are humans more attracted to curves that mimick themselves, or taught lines?

This is truely fascinating to me, but i’m unsure how to get there. I know premier firms such as IDEO and Fitch use psychologists in some of their research and development. Should I contact one of their IDSA members to see what they did to get their current position?

Suggestions are appreciated.

…all things considered, i would go for th mba…never thought i would ever hear myself say that…but fact is an mba would serve you better…

no, there are plenty of jobs out there for what you want to do. basically, you want to study Human Factos and Ergonomics Engineering, commonly known as Engineering Psychology. This field is interdisciplinary, combining cognitive psychology, biomechanics, and engineering.

plenty of schools to study this…

to Guest…THANK YOU!