Hey guys, I would really appreciate some opinions. I’m returning to school to finish my ID degree (regretfully, I spent my first 2 years of college at Art Institute of Pitt, before I did my research into schools). I’ve been out of school a few years and working, and now I’m actually working around product design and really feeling the need to complete my degree to move up in the company and become a staff designer.
I’m considering 2 options: CIA and OSU.
I’ve already been accepted to CIA with a partial scholarship, but since I’m an older student I’m completely on my own financially and CIA will be a tight squeeze for me to afford. With Stafford loans maxed-out, I will still need to pay $8grand a year out-of-pocket. (Will need to work full-time to take advantage of my company’s tuition reimbursement program to afford it). In theory, I can make it work, but I’m concerned about burning out and exaustion between 40 hours a week of work and the minimum 12 credit hours I will need to take to take advantage of my scholarship.
Recently, I’ve decided to look into OSU’s program. At almost a third of the cost, it is very tempting. I would definately have much more flexibility financially and be less stressed-out while in school, but I’ve heard CIA’s program is more respected.
Does anyone have any thoughts or opinions?

OSU kind of floundered for awhile, but we just took on several excellent interns.
It looks like they have the program on track to regain thier former glory.

OSU produces some good grads, and attracts a fair amount of talent. I would check to make sure if you can get directly in or if you have to do a portfolio review halfway through the year. The year I spent at OSU, you have foundation art classes and in January a portfolio review packet (test) comes out. You do the problems in the test ( mini projects) and wait to see if you get in. The year I applied they had around 115 kids apply with around 15 spots open. Keep an eye out for that, but the program is good.

I’ve been very impressed by CIA. OSU is good too. I’d say in Ohio, CIA and UC are the top, also in the nation they are on the short list. Ultimately it will depend more on what you did in school, and what you put into it. Have you visited the OSU dept?