Arc One Electric Boat

Will be on the lookout for these boats on Lake Washington or Sammamish this summer. With the concentration of early tech adopters around this area there are likely some (rich) people shopping this vs a new Cobalt runabout.

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Yah, seems like the place for it. I hope someone here in Portland who lives on Lake Oswego gets one.

That looks really fantastic, expect the finished product!

Seen in the wild. Alamitos Bay.


You should always have “actual production samples” in your contracts…

I am a little envious. But I’ll meditate that away. :wink:

But we have to ask, better to be electrocuted or eaten by sharks?

Love the propulsion system. Not a fan of the design. Boat manufacturers have all but abandoned the classic designs for gimmicks like curved polycarbonate windshields & overly wide beams. A few still produce clean, classic designs like McLaren designer Frank Stephenson‘s boat (use composites instead of mahogany).

Those overly wide beams have grown with the waistlines of the American buying public.

What comes after tessellation?