A great way to deal with companies that don't respond

This is hilarious: Complaint Box | The E-Snub - The New York Times

Won’t get you the job but might make you feel better.

Wow, that was ingenious…

I’ll def. keep that in mind, if the perfect circumstances arise.

Haha. He should have gone in to work the day unshaven and dirty. :laughing: Nah, he could have given them a call himself about the results. Still though kind of shady on the company’s part to treat people like that. We shouldn’t take business, design, trade like machines.

too funny, but i think if an ID did that to a firm, his name will be spread negatively across like wild fire

Meh, he didn’t even attempt to follow-up? Maybe if they ignored his attempt then I could see why he would respond this way.

Funny story though. :laughing:

What a great response. Too often, those policies are made by people operating under the false assumption that the importance of their position justifies the waste of time to create un-civilized policies. Can’t those positions be effectively outsourced?
Your sense of humor has survived the changed in climate (Grin!)

The more troubling trend is that your resume is now being handled by an automated system. Many companies have switched over to those systems and it will automatically boot your resume if you do not have exact matches to the job description. I’ve been applying to a few positions and I promise you, it’s more frustrating to be booted by a computer than an individual.

Actually I am in such a situation right now.
Some other students and I are currently applying for an exhibition space at a major fair. The winners that will get the spot were supposed to be announced Feb. 1st according to the info on the website.

We haven’t heard anything though. How can an organizer require strict deadlines for applications if they can’t hold their own deadlines or don’t have the courtesy to let us know that the decision will take a bit longer to make?

Maybe we should just write them and thank them very much for the space and the chance to show our work!! We’ll see if we get a response then?

Yeah, if you want to be sure that you wont be the one that gets the space.

a very interesting read and one that really hits close to home! I find it very unnerving and discouraging the way society has evolved in such a way that it has become entirely acceptable to fully ignore an individual who has taken a significant amount of time to write a personalized letter, followed up by phone calls, further e-mails…

while currently looking for work, obviously I run into this situation fairly often. For me, my perception now is that it is completely unprofessional. Particularly in such a tightly knit community as ID, for someone to not even give me the time of day to reply with a few words by e-mail is in my view quite rude and I’m sure people that have been slighted will remember.

I know that the general excuse is “well i just haven’t had the time, you know we’ve had over 200 applicants for this position.”
I can appreciate that people are pressed for time and are very busy, but even in this extreme case, a simple generic mass response for an e-mail would be much more appreciated than utter silence.

When I started my job as a design director at a small consulting firm, we had many letter in files that had gone unanswered for almost a year. I combed through them, apologized for the delay, and answered each one that I could. I did this after hours because of my workload. About 99% were gracious but I did get one or two nasty responses. When we advertised about a year ago for a position, we received almost 1000 applications. It took me several months but I’m pretty sure I answered every inquiry. Actually, the best people were the last to hear from us - I tried to respond immediately to the people that I knew wouldn’t fit what we were looking for. Still there were people that were angry about having to wait. Sometimes clients make me wait. I might complain to my co-workers but not to them because I know that without them I don’t have a job. Sending a nasty email or playing a prank is just mean. Bad karma. Put yourself in the employers shoes. They are hiring because they are understaffed. In a small design firm this translates to long hours. So, they are already working long hours to get the work done and then they are doing their best to comb through all the applications. Give them a chance and be gracious. Follow up but patiently.