1 Hour Design Challenge: Play-Doh Kicks
Play-Doh Kicks
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Saturday, September 25th DEADLINE EXTENDED
9 pm PST (4 am GMT)
This month, we’re celebrating shoe designers all over the world with our latest 1 Hour Design Challenge: Play-Doh Kicks. To get you loosened up for fall, when we all go into overdrive again, this one’s fun, casual and three-dimensional. Your task is to recreate or reinterpret your favorite pair of shoes in play-doh, in one hour or less.
Cut loose and give your imagination a stretch. Maybe you’ll create a miniature tribute to your favorite sneaker designer of all time. Or, honor your humble, beat up kicks by sculpting their likeness, busted soles and all.
To help us pick the best entries, we’ve enlisted Sneaker Freaker, the only magazine to document the international footwear craze, and Kueng Caputo, the Switzerland based designers behind the Copy series of design workshops. Woody, Sneaker Freaker’s founder and editor, has generously offered the winner a lifetime subscription plus publication in the magazine’s December issue. Kueng Caputo are throwing in their book Copy, a compilation of results from the workshop. And, finally, we’ll be throwing in gift certificates to Hand Eye Supply, our new store for designers and makers.
This is gonna be a fun one, so start rolling out that Play-Doh!
Woody, Editor and Founder of Sneaker Freaker
Sarah Kueng and Lovis Caputo of Kueng Caputo
The Core77 Editorial Team
Models must be made completely of play-doh, but can be tooled with anything you’ve got on hand, from exacto-blades to butter knives.
We’ll be looking for how well you express the character of your chosen shoe, how resourceful you are in your methods, and how original you are in your interpretation.
Participants must execute their design in only 1 hour, based on an honor system. To enter, upload your entries to the designated competition forum.
Please include the name of the shoe you chose to recreate, any supporting text you’d like to add, and a photographs of your model as follows: a three-quarter view, a side elevation, and an optional sole view. Remember to save high-resolution photographs of your model in case it is selected for publication in Sneaker Freaker!
To discuss the challenge and the entries, visit the 1HDC discussion forum.
The Grand Prizewinner will receive a lifetime subscription to Sneaker Freaker, Copy by Kueng Caputo, a $100 gift certificate to Hand Eye Supply.
Two honorable mentions will receive a $25 gift certificate to Hand Eye Supply.
All of the above will be published in the Core77 Newsletter and Sneaker Freaker’s December issue.