product photography/art

Perhaps you may want to look in catalogues of home products for example.

I always liked the photographs of ID magazine’s product awards issue, you might check that out.

Perhaps look at exhibition designs for inspiration.

I did a photography project in my photo class where we got a wierd object and had to make a series of pictures with at least some part of the object in every picture. Thinking of it in a clever way, I put a yoyo in really human situation, not the best idea. My friend did a series of Barbie in kitchen appliances.

Maybe think of things you can compare the product with that will cause some bizarre ideas, or will give the mood that you are looking for.

Phillip Toldeano’s work is very nice, not products, but might give you some ideas.

Otherwise, stop looking for Industrial Design Photography, you’ll probably get more ideas looking at regular photography, and thinking about it from a product display point of view. For some really moody/whacky (difficult to describe) roam around the lomoraphic societies website, and member websites.