What if Global Warming is a Red Herring?

I think some people are selling IP’s thought experiment short. Let’s assume that the catastrophe does not await the world because of global warming. Imagine the amount of money and man-power (as well as fossil fuel and emissions) that will be spent on trying to conquer a non-existent problem. I think it’s worth thinking about.

Something that I’ve thought about is how many of these green schemes are hollow:

  1. Carbon offsetting: Air Canada just started this now. Supposedly, trees will be planted somewhere by someone if I pay Air Canada a few bucks more when I buy my plane ticket. Does this really work? No, not really. Could it be a huge profit-making marketing trick on the part of airlines? Likely.

  2. Windmills, solar cells, etc: Where is energy to make all of these new energy producing products going to come from? Other windmills? I doubt it. Let’s face it, we will burn up whatevers left even faster if we persuade ourselves to start a mad-dash to the green-finish line.

What price for victory?