SCUOLA POLITECNICA di DESIGN in Milan ripped me off!!!

That is correct. The system is meant to smear and spread libel against universities, firms, and other designers.

Additionally, all other pissed off people need to cease and desist immediately in their utilizing “Pissed Off.”

“Pissed Off” is a registered trademark of the person formerly known as Norman and now known as “Pissed Off.”


  • If you have any reason to be pissed off in the future, you must refrain from using “Pissed Off” or “Pissed Off” reserves the right to take legal action. “Pissed Off” also claims the alternative version of itself also known as “POed.”

If you are a malcontent individual we at “Pissed Off” suggest using the following alternatives: “peeved, unhappy, angry, down-right ticked, bright red, mad, livid, up-in-arms, beside myself, angry, fuming, really fuming, steamed,” and always a favorite “postal.”

BTW: Rita, you single? I just love a woman who knows how to screw people over.