
Are you a designer, a maker or both?

If you are a designer is this service something that you would use?
Yes, if the quality is good - you will need a good quality control procedure across makers and manufacturing techniques

As a maker would you apply for such a network?
Yes, if the network is active enough (which 3D hubs is not anymore, for example)

What amount of money would you need to be paid per order? Choose something between $4 and $10. One order meaning one print or one cut of the CNC machine.
$10 is a fair price for a small 3D print

Do you know websites from individual makers?
Yes, I check the ‘competition’

Some tips in general. What would you require?
Shapeways works well because they have good quality control automation.
If you can combine such a system with connecting makers and customers AND keep it simple, it will be a success.
This way we can set up custom prototyping houses.
Guiding the information flows is the main challenge - how do you make sure the customer sends enough details and the maker will understand it? Meeting specs to requirements can be a very tedious, iterative and overly technical process that the client does often not want to go through.