Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Spoilers)

Random thought, but I was just wondering, who do you think the audience is for Star Wars?

For those of us who grew up with is in the 70’s or 80’s it is never going to be as gritty or nuanced as say a Blade Runner, which is more of an adult movie. A drama set in a future world.

At it’s core it is basically a youth oriented morality play, but for kids maybe there are a lot of other options to choose from these days with a lot of nostalgia baggage to carry around?

So is it for nostalgic Gan X’ers to enjoy with their kids?

I’m always a little light in judging them, because I feel like when I go back and watch the original trilogy, the movies just aren’t that good (please don’t egg my house). I love them, they are super fun, the effects were amazing for the times, but it is an incredibly complex story and other than the casual coolness of Han Solo, the acting isn’t stellar. I guess I see them more as cultural events rather than ‘great movies’. Maybe that is why the prequels didn’t sit well with me. maybe they were trying too hard to be movies?

I wonder what it would be like if Christofer Nolan did a Star Wars? I just rewatched Batman Begins and that holds up for me (other than Katie Holmes)