Got the product, now how to get sales

First off, I’m a huge fan of this project. Please keep that in mind when I say the following:

Now for a couple of pieces of tough love. One on the very beginning of the consumer decision process, and the other on the very end.

  1. At the very start I read “Home growing the future of footwear” … this puts me off right away. Do I really want to pay this much for something “home grown”? and can something “home grown” define the future of footwear? When I think of home grown i think of something visually crafty and this is visually techie. I recommend with going with something more like the following:

Advancing the future of footwear through made to order, custom built, 3d printed footwear.
Redefining footwear by rapid manufacture of shoes to your exact specifications.
Using 3d printing to custom make footwear to your exact specifications.

  1. The picture of you is also a little intimidating. Knowing you through core77 and instagram I know it suits your personality, but think this is the first time someone is introduced to this concept and to you. You want to imbue them with confidence and trust. I would go with a more conservative picture of yourself.

Lastly, it was said before, but I think upping the photography would help. For the casual street shots, check out the Sartorialist as a reference: Some good backgrounds with a little shallow depth of field goes a long way there. Then I’d hire a photographer to do a few really good studio shots. You would be surprised what you can get from a professional photographer for a reasonable cost.

Hope this all makes sense! I love the experimentation, and I think converting this idea into a business as an individual is very challenging no matter what! Another way to do it would be to not focus on scale and just take individual orders to start. A lot of bespoke craftsman work this way and charge handsomely for that level of service.