Culture at your company

Good point with the element of discrimination. I don’t agree this is the intent behind these approaches, but it definitely could allow it to happen much easier. I do think though to some of my past jobs, one in particular where I worked with a company of VERY conservative people (not just political, but religious, socially, etc) which is fine, and I got along with all of them on a day to day but I never felt very connected, it just wasn’t my tribe. I was recently listening to the podcast “How I built this” and they were talking to the owner and founder of the company Patagonia. He talked a lot about their culture and it was extremely fascinating. Some things that stuck out were their lack (intentionally) of designated leadership. They hire people to get the job done and trust they will use their time however best suits them. Want to go surfing? Do it, just make sure your work is getting done.