Expected portfolio standard for entry level position

Go to behance, look at the best rated/most viewed portfolios - that is usually the standard to aspire to. A solid mix of everything and being really good at at least one thing. No rocket science, really.
But the metrics for getting a job at a ID firm are not very representative in my opinion. They usually pitch and present to clients a lot, so they will look for people who can sketch, render and present well. Those skills are not equally useful in every industry.
There are corporations that do all their developement inhouse. You can be a designer in such a corporation and never once do or see a keyshot rendering in years - because they take the sketch right to a prototype. Just an example, but that happens and is highly dependent on the industry. That’s why I am saying: It is more important to show up at the right time and show them the projects they want to see. So ask yourself: What kind of corporate industrial designer do you want to be? And then do projects in that field. If they make industrial printing machines or plastic tableware will greatly influence their choice of designer.