Post-rendering Photoshop techniques?

Wow, thanks for the tips everyone! I don’t actually have Keyshot right now, but it sounds like they’ve added quite a few useful features recently. I’ve been doing all my renderings in Fusion 360, which lacks features like multiple passes and HDRI editing. Maybe I can figure out some workarounds.

Yo–I never thought to use the Camera Raw Filter for anything other than importing a Raw image, that’s awesome!

Bepster–I’ve never seen those tutorials before, those will really help take my renderings to the next level. I never realized how much you could do with textures in keyshot. Things like adding dust to leather or dirt on tire treads, I definitely thought would be hours in Photoshop, but I guess it’s simpler than that. Thanks for posting.

Ralph–Like I said, I don’t have Keyshot right now, but I’ll try adding panels directly in my Fusion model. I’ve done it before with mixed results. Never tried warm/cool though, that’s interesting.