Went looking for design employment advice...

Unfortunately, I’m 40 and way past the “starting over” thing. If I can’t leverage my experience at this point to make more than minimum wage (which I can’t) something’s fucky as they say. > :open_mouth: > I’m trash, the system’s broken, America’s on the slide. Whatever the problem is. I’ll take measurements in an R&D lab for $40k/yr. but I get shot down for that shit. CAD drafter position for $35k/ yr.? Shot down. > :frowning: >

Too old. To ugly. Shit experience. I’m waaaaaaaaaaay past the point of giving a fuck at this point. The more I’ve done, the less employable I’ve become. Fact. That’s all I know.

Maybe your whiney, ‘I’ve given up’ self-pitying attitude shows when you present yourself. Who would want to work with you? (it’s hard enough to read your posts) It may subtly, or worse, show in cover letters, resume, portfolio, interviews. Get some unbiased evaluation and move forward with a more positive sense of purpose. Hiring someone that is such a downer is an office killer - it infects everyone.