What makes a product desirable, and another not?

This is a forum, so hopefully nobody cares if I keep complicating this topic, but I have a tangential question…

Is there an object that no matter the function, people desire it simply because of the form and aesthetic beauty?

The only thing I can think of right now is actual plant-life - flowers, trees, and such. My wife doesn’t care if flowers clutter up her counter space and do absolutely nothing, other than look pretty. In fact, there have been studies that concluded environments that include plant-life will improve the psychology of the people interacting in that environment. Even if the plant life is nothing more than elaborate wallpaper.

There are desires being met by these objects, and I’m going to find out what they are and how to design for them. (yeah, I probably already learned all this in school, but maybe I can find new insights by re-examining)