Beginner in MEDICAL device design_Advise/Books/website/...

Congrats on your job! The medical sector is very cool to design for. A good designer with a heavy focus on usability can really help people and potentially save lives.
What kind of things will you be designing?
In the medical sector standards play a big part. There are a lot of guidelines in place to help you and make sure the design is safe. Basically a whole library of do’s and don’ts :smiley:
Looking at the medical device directive (europe) gives a good insight into this:

As you can see some are super specific. Such as those for very specific devices. Where things such as frequency and harmonies of beeps of alarms and icons to use are defined. There are also standards on usability (EN 60601-1-6:2010) which has gotten much stricter the last few year. Good news for an industrial designer!
My examples are for europe, but in the US it isn’t much different.

I also like looking at medgadget, you can see many new products and developments on there.

Really understanding your stakeholders and who actually makes the decisions for the products is extremely important. Is it the surgeon? or the patient, or maybe the purchaser in the hospital?