10 years out...What does your portfolio look like?

I think one of my favourite stories from you was about your frog interview (I think it was that). Where you turned up with a suitcase of various parts of projects and asked the interviewer to pick something and you would tell the story behind it, kind of like a show and tell.

Obviously you will tell it better but I took this story to heart myself and for certain interviews have asked if they wanted me to talk through a specific project rather than go through my folio page by page. I found it starts a much better conversation and puts my mind at ease rather than feeling I’m just talking at them. I also have my own favourite projects so it is good to have them pick something they like which is often not something I expect them to. It can afford you to tell very intricate parts of projects that you may just not show in a folio like how you dealt with a manufacturer etc etc…I imagine when I hit the 10 year mark I’d be utilizing this approach more.