How did you choose your industry?

eh, I win some I loose some like anybody. It is a numbers game to some extent. They say you need to be in the right time at the right place… so bee in as many places at as many times as possible :slight_smile: The hardest thing is just saying no. It is the scariest thing to do. Way scarier than saying yes to something you are not sure if you can do. I try to that as much as possible and it comes easy for me luckily… but saying no to a project or job is really really hard. I do it a lot though because it just doesn’t do anybody any good to do something that I don’t feel is the right fit for me. The client (or employer) will feel it in the work and the process. Instead I try to recommend a designer who would enjoy that project or be the right fit. Maybe that client does really well with my friend and I never see them again, but hopefully I’ve educated them on what would be the right project for me and when that comes up they come back. And hopefully that friend does the same for me… sorry, went a little OT there, but it is still connected a bit.