Finding talent within rendering

First there needs to be a customer-centric choice for the renderer you choose.
If your product’s perception of value lies mostly in its appearance, and have a critical target market, say the ultra-luxury segment watches, you probably won’t be successful unless you hire the best visualisation agency. If photography is an option, in my opinion it adds more character but it is also more difficult in terms of workflow finding and working with a top-notch professional, location and setup. If you have a smaller target market and your product’s perceived value is more than just the appearance, most often the Keyshotty type rendering like Dustin Lee is showing is great and especially when you are in the first phase of say, a startup business and still exploring the design, product and market then working with a freelance artist will be a good choice. Also in terms of budget, hiring a Photoshop expert will be a good choice because it is amazing what they can make of a rendering.