Got laid off... want to relocate, but where to?

Honestly, I don’t know how to find an optimistic perspective on things. > :neutral_face:

You could try reading “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J. Schwartz. Found it to be a very inspiring and uplifting book. There’s actually a section called “How to make your mind produce positive thoughts.” Highly recommend it to anyone.

Not sure if this is what you’re feeling, but I’ve experienced the downward spiral of getting bad results (also while living in a place I didn’t like), getting even more frustrated or negative, and then those negative thoughts just bringing more bad results, to get more frustrated about. It can be a downward spiral that needs to be broken somehow.

Reading this type of material and being around other uplifting people helps to break out of that cycle and see opportunities. Opportunities are always there, but a mind clouded by frustration can rarely see them.

Would be great to hear you’ve found great work that you enjoy in a place you’re happy to live. I’m working on this as well - same age, looking to relocate (again), and possibly shifting careers slightly. Let’s make it happen :wink: