NEW "R-Folio" - The Directive Collective portfolio website

Ah, OK. Points clearer now.

I’ll work on that. Agree 100% the “Download” on the tile is a bit confusing. Was meaning to indicate there is a download available inside… I can reword.

On the tile content of the Services Guide, you can actually click on each page to bring it up larger for viewing (also on mobile). Thinking was the tiles on that content page was sorta a preview before you decide you want to download. I may try a different type of gallery instead of the tile such as larger vertical column of images like other pages or a carousel of images. I went away from that as I believe the PDF content is best read as a full screen PDF, and even as a large image on a page, it’s not ideal, so better to just show what is the content, then lead to the PDF link.

As said, nothing is really ONLY in the PDF that isn’t elsewhere so either you get the PDF and that’s all you need or you explore the sight. Not really a fan of the “Portfolio” name, hence the “Studio and Services Guide” title.

What do you mean exactly by " It seems there is more when there it was all the time on the landing page tiles, so this could be confusing." ?

FAQ PDFs I agree could be page contents. Haven’t gotten around to that so the FAQ page a downloads of existing PDFs was the quick fix.

Fonts until tiles (and font color) I’m still playing with. My thought was the image is what catches your mind, the title being less important, but more prominent could be good if you are looking for a specific service or content…