Finding talent within rendering

So i agree with many points here.

  1. Software today can do the renderings so much faster
  2. you still need to understand the basics of photography and material creation- this is where many are weak to obtain that photo realistic and dynamic shot
  3. Understanding the did. between an informative rendering vs a persuasive rendering is key. And as mentioned not all can create the persuasive rendering
  4. by my standards both renderings are simple and easy to execute if you properly understand photography and materials - like mentioned the end grain, along with lack of a texture map, and im not even sure what the legs are suppose t be. this comes form the use of “standard materials” and simple click and drag" I use to teach my students to always have a real sample of the material in front of them - just like you would if you where to a market rendering.

In the end its is important to look at the body of work - and there is still a price difference for the work to be done Skilled artistic resource vs render monkey. If you would like to learn more or talk simple send me a email - I even have a great book about photography from back in the day - a simple photography book but the basics cause without the basics…