What are your weaknesses?

I recently had to take one of those and I came out as too high on the imaginative scale… “so yeah, what is it exactly you would say ya do here?”

My favorite response to the interview question of “what are your weaknesses?” is “my biggest weakness is having a low tolerance for cliche questions”… I’ve never used it, but the thought has crossed my mind. When I interview people I prefer to be much more blunt and honest. Instead of that question I might ask “tell me a story about a time you just really screwed something up?” … we all have that story. The test is to see if the person handles it with candor, humor, and can weave a good tale. If they get all flustered and red, it probably isn’t going to work out.

But how do I answer the cliche question? Usually with something about not having a lot of patience for people who don’t want to do the absolute best thing for the company/project/end user… it is true it frustrates the hell out of me and it is a hard weakness for someone in NPD to fault someone for. Then pivot to how you won’t rest until …