Portfolio Review!

Hi Sharon,

I love the cutting-edge feel to your portfolio. I don’t like the term but you can do a bit more personal branding. The overall layout and header makes for a bit of a generic first impression.

It is clear that you are a great designer who is used to working very efficiently towards real products. Your sketches are top-notch, if I can give you one advice is to become just a tad looser, for some types of sketches you can make more use of approachment where you approach a form with lightly set lines rather than fully premeditating the right one. This results in slightly more sketch lines but overall your form and overall presentation will be better. Minimal use of sharp, subtle and complex highlights is what can make a sketch pop. Rembrandt was a master at this. Also using contrasts of warm and cool colors on opposite sides of the sketch work very well, Scott Robertson’s sketches are good examples of that.

I like your ‘Fisher-Price meets Apple’ aesthetic. I always like to think of the space as a whole when designing products. These products look nice in themselves, but people would not want the kitchen as a whole to be designed that way. In the kitchen, people desire more sophisticated forms and materials. Take notice of some architects who also designed consumer products, such as Stefano Marzano.