What you didn't learn in design school

While I am a proponent of university teaching real life stuff I think in the end what you are mentioning ARE covered by any good university. But not by a course or class you have to take but by something called “internship”. Probably the only way to get a glimpse into this kinda stuff that really works. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to sit in university and listen to some lecture of some self important old dude who is telling me “how the business really works”. Especially because design related industries can be vastly different once you shift the field only a little bit.

Designers have superpowers that will transform entire industries.

And this is a narrative I really HATE because it creates a bunch of arrogant pricks who think they are more valuable than others for some weird “designer super power”, whatever that even means :unamused:
Not “designers” can transform entire industries. Smart people can transform industries. There are plenty of smart designers. There are also a lot of dumb designers. There are also smart engineers, or business people, or you name it… and they all can potentially transform industries.