T-Splines replacement?

Yea, Fusion taking over, that’s not going to happen for a whole host of reasons. All autodesk products for students have been free, so by that notion Alias or Inventor should be #1 all over the world and that’s just not the case. Though within the Auto Industry Alias really is one of the heavier hitters, it’s not the only one. Also if the level of functionality keep rising it will supplant Inventor which has it’s only middle of the ground engineering market share and they definitely aren’t going to give up the small amount charged for Fusion 360 SAAS over what Inventor cost (which is the same as Solidworks and SolidEdge). Fusion doesn’t have Grasshopper, though there is Dynamo, but that is not a seamless integration.

But here is an aside for you that is from first hand experience. Student comes into a company saying I know software “X”. If you buy it for me then I will be able to do my job. The may or may not start to run up the food chain of command depending on the level of red tape, IT people, types of computers, etc etc etc. This same company also has a certain way of doing things and said students has no clue about this companies current process. So the price of the requested software is potentially considered but wait…oh no, it’s not in this years budget. I’ve got more stories like this than I can even remember.

I’m not trying to tell you not to like whatever software you like there’s just this real world component to things that far out strips it. By some of the things that you’ve written I’d say this…Blender is an AMAZING piece of software, it’s free yet it is not an “industry standard” anywhere. Why? It can most certainly run circles around Sketch Up, or in some cases compete with the likes of Maya, C4d, 3D Max. You have to ask yourself why a software that is free and opensource hasn’t become #1?