Job Hunting Problems - Advice Needed!

Hi Jen,

Don’t let the job hunt bog you down :slight_smile:. I really like where your website and CV are going, I personally liked the amount of character that you had in your initial resume and that comes across on your website. I especially liked your opening statement with the line about being lucky enough to work on projects with some big name companies, I’d be tempted to put this back in, it’s great to get a really quick overview of who you are in that about section.

Are you tailoring your CV and portfolio depending on who you’re applying to? This way you can pick out bits of your experience, specific projects, and things that interest you that are relevant to the job and pull them out for that company. There’s also a huge amount of content on your Behance, are you tailoring this for in-person interviews, or sending this link through to employers?

You mention that the work for Hasbro was award winning, does that mean that it’s now in the public domain? Would be great to see award winning design featured somehow.

Also… I might sound really stupid here… but what is a POE system? I got confused… (and a little sidetracked :wink:) when I googled and started reading about Power Over Ethernet Systems?!
