The Future of Product Design(ers)

I think the NA auto industry is quite healthy. However, look at how many furniture factories were scuttled in Tennessee. They probably layed off the population of Finland over the last 20 years.

To the core of your thoughts though, you are absolutely right. I spent 5 years working in a factory and it gave me knowledge that I could never find in a book. That’s why I suggest designers visit their suppliers ASAP, wherever in the world they are. Preferably, visit annually.

Are western designers going to suffer because of proximity? I don’t think so. Western designers will be challenged by their lack of factory knowledge, but Eastern designers will be challenged by their lack of market knowledge. We definitely take for granted all the knowledge that we absorb through living a Western life. That is the spark of any of our creative solutions and it can’t be exported easily.

Lastly, since you are starting an enterprise, I suggest reading the book “The Mousedriver Chronicles”. That book was a business started by business man who had no clue about design, engineering, sourcing and only a theoretical knowledge of logistics, sales and marketing. It’s equally valuable for a designer to understand the more global environment and demands that are required to run a successful business.