The Quest for a 2nd Bachelor's in ID

As someone who did go back to school and receive a second bachelors degree in ID, I do not regret it at all, though it may not be the right course for everyone.
My first degree was a B.A. in Photojournalism, so it was necessary to learn the fundamentals of design. I was lucky enough that my Alma matter, Western Washington University, had a stellar ID program so when I returned, waiving many of the pre-requisites was easy (In-state tuition also helped). Though because the WWU ID program is based in the engineering department and is a B.S. degree, I did have to do a few more science pre-requisites. My previous degree only shaved a year off my second degree, but part of that was the program set up, which requires a sophomore year of fundamental classes before applying to the major, in which only 12 students are selected per class.
I can’t imagine not having the base I do in design history, skills and philosophy, and the hands-on application of my education was invaluable.
Going back to an undergraduate program as an older student has its challenges, I was only in my late 20’s and without dependents, and I can see how a Master’s program may be more flexible and fulfilling for someone who has more responsibilities and a greater age gap from the majority of undergrads.
I was able to get one scholarship through winning a design competition, but I did not qualify for many of the traditional scholarships due to already possessing a degree. I also found the class schedule was difficult to maintain a traditional job.
I am still considering getting a master’s degree at some point once I have worked in-industry for a few years and have narrowed down a focus.
Anyways, my experience is not everyone’s, but I’m happy to chat with anyone who is considering a second bachelors degree or has interest in the ID Program at WWU.